Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Alexis Jean is Here!!!

Before this really happening or is it an April Fool's joke??
Happy Birthday Alexis Jean Bauer!
So alert

Daddy introducing Alexis to her big sisters
Flat Maddie getting her chance to meet Lexie

Quality time with Grammy Nelson
Little kisses for my sister
Lexie's first bath
My first Uncle Aaron and my three cousins. The boys couldn't wait to meet Lexie!
Snuggling with my Aunt Sara
Such proud big sisters!

The girls are now calling Lexie's green fella "Gouda". Allie made sure Lexie had something to sleep with while in the hospital.

Meeting my Grandma and Grandpa Bauer

Grammy and Papa with the Milwaukee grandkids
Alexis Jean getting baptized by Pastor Mattek. How special it is to have the little children there to watch this important event in Lexie's life.
Allie and Aubrey hanging out in the hospital room watching Sesame Street

She's so little!
Thanks for bringing me into the world Dr. VanFossen!

Ten tiny toes!

I'm home!!!

Aubrey's so excited having Lexie home!!
What a unexpected arrival! What's even more strange to me is that I'm typing this on what was supposed to be our last night before she arrived as the c-section was scheduled for April 11th! Aubrey and I went grocery shopping Tuesday (4/1/08) morning and I started having mild contractions. After a call to Sara (who's more experienced in contractions than I), I decided to put my feet up and relax. When the contractions really didn't stop much, my mom got me to call the doctor's office. They had me come in to be monitored just to check what was going on. Little did I know, I wouldn't be coming back home that day! The doctor sent me across the street to the hospital to be preped for surgery! Mom and the girls were with us...Allie was a little nervous about me getting into my gown and being hooked up to monitors in the hospital room. Josh came from school and the girls went home to wait for the news. At 4:03pm, Alexis Jean Bauer came into the world weighing in at 8 pounds and 20.5 inches! Surgery went really well and she was perfect. Since many of our family members had already made travel arrangments for the baptism we had scheduled for April 20th, we decided not to wait until then for her to be baptized. Pastor Mattek made the trip over to the hospital on Wednesday night and we had a little service in the room. We will still hold her reaffirmation in church on the 20th with the extended family and sponsers. We were able to come home on Friday (4/4/08). The girls were so happy to have us home. It was a long week for them without mom and dad being home.

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