Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School!!!

 Aubrey is ready for 1st Grade!
 School sisters
 Allie is ready for 2nd grade!

 These 2 rascals are home with me!!
 The GHouse Bauer crew is off for another school year!
 2 first grade Bauers sandwiched between 2 second grade Bauers!
 Allie and Jayden
 Justus and Aubrey
 And the future K5ers...home for another year of preschool

Here we go!!
 Allie with her teacher Mrs. Schroeder
Aubrey with her teacher Mrs. Strack
 Lexie started preschool here at home with me...she was SUPER excited!

She finished her day 1 work with a great attitude!  

Happy 2nd Birthday Catie!!

 Good morning Catie!!  The girls greeted her immediately with their presents for her

 Catie LOVES my iced coffee....

 It was a Veggietales birthday party!

 I think she liked her Bob and Larry cake

 Opening a present from mom and dad
 It's a Larry doll!
 And a Larry movie!
 And a Larry sprinkler!!
 And a package came that day from her Godparents Vic and Jeannie Bailey

 Opening her card
 What a beautiful winter church coat!!

 HeeHee...Bob and Larry in the "flesh"
 The kids had a blast playing in the pool, sprinkler, and slip n slide!

 Hi Larry!!

 Shade was provided by Dad's new Packer tent!

 Birthday Supper
 Haha! Larry is the same size as Ella!

 Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!  It was a little windy and the candles didn't stay lit very long

 Who needs cake when Daddy bought ice cream bars!!?? tough 2 year old!