Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday fun! He is risen!!

 Pretty Lexie girl is ready for her birthday party!
 Getting ready for an Easter egg hunt!
 And they're off!!
 Catie found her first one!

 We were blessed with an absolutely beautiful afternoon!!  The kids all had a blast running and looking for eggs!
 Yea for M&Ms!
 Lexie and Grandpa Bauer go through the goodies

 Natalie checking out her stash of eggs!

 Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Bauer for my scooter!!  (she was pretty pumped!)
 Dress up shoes!!
 Not positive but I'm pretty Lexie is saying something that ends with "at least"...her new favorite phrase

 A Barbie car!!  She is a little excited...
 And a new Barbie!
 Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Bauer
 Doing her happy dance when she realized Aunt Sara got her a purple tutu

 A bag of cookies and necklaces from Great Grandma!

 Catie tries out the new dress up shoes
 Natalie and Uncle Nate both are ready for a nap!
 Catie is ready to sing Happy Birthday to the girls

 I'm fired as a mom...I totally forgot to get candles!!  I found a number 3 and a 4 in the we lit the 3 twice for Aubrey to blow out to add up to 6
All dressed up with her new stuff!

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