Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ending May on a good note

 Silly Catie keeping herself busy!

 She's learned the art of opening cupboard doors and taking out everything she finds!

 Aubs is always pretty proud of herself after puzzle completion's about time to lower the mattress...she's learned to pull and in her crib!
 This is her "give kisses" face...she's puckered and ready to give a kiss away!
 I'm happy...
 and not so happy!
 Eating nachos outside with Daddy's students who came for a field trip
 Allie and her teacher Mrs. Mueller...who came to take Allie out for Culvers after Allie finished her 2nd grade level extra reading workbook.  
 Ready for the last day of school!

 K5 Graduation program

Singing the song "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"
 Allie receiving her awards and diploma

 Proud Grandma and Grandpa Nelson
 She's getting there...
 Ready to load up after a fun morning at the K3-K5 end of the year picnic
 Soccer!  Allie got to play along since there weren't many kids at practice this week!

 Aubs and her coach Nicole

 All prettied up for church...playing the iPad while she waits
 Catie does whatever she can to not eat her strawberries and blueberries...this time it was lining them all up on her sippy cup lid. Earlier it was licking each one then throwing it on the floor. And of course her other favorite thing to do with food she doesn't want to eat, she throws it behind her back!
 She thinks she's pretty funny stuff!
 We're home!
 Memorial Day can't see them well but most of the kids have rocks on their plates to keep the plates from blowing away in the wind!  It was a hot windy day!!

 Getting good at the knife and fork work...
 My little laundry helper!
 Hi there!

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