Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Finishing April and Starting May!

 I had to laugh...this is what I drove home to one day! These clowns in the driveway waiting for me!
 I got Lex and Aubs new puzzles...they were pretty excited!

 Having fun with Catie while folding the towels....

 See, I do like my Grandpa...
 If you ever need a smile...Lex is ready to be a clown for you!
 My chubby little almost 9 month old... 

 Lookin' good Lexie!

 Good bedhead
 Playing the iPad
 Cate is getting there...she'll be crawling soon!

 Confirmation cake I made for church

 Blowin' bubbles

 This is how we find CJ most days when she's ready for us to get her...she pulls up the bumper pad so she can see the door!
 My little rascals enjoying snack on the new bench Grandpa Nelson built

 Lex's new favorite thing to do...wear mom and dad's shoes around the house

 At the zoo for "fun Friday"

 Look Mom, he's trying to impress the ladies!
 A picnic lunch

My girls and I on Mother's Day

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