So...Daddy was supposed to put me to bed. I didn't make it.


I'm a sweetie.

Relaxing with Dad after a long day

Giving him a massage while singing

Three girls in a tub...

Three girls watching a movie...

Grandma and Allie have matching shirts on today!

Oooo, I think they're going to score!! Go Pack Go!!

Snuggle time with Daddy during the big game!

I'm a Packer's fan right down to my jammies!

Look at me!! I'm silly in Daddy's tie!

Mmmm, breakfast.

Hanging out with Gramma B on Grandparent's Day

We're out to brunch with everyone!

Going on a hayride at the Machine Shed after brunch
We've had a rough couple of days here in the Bauer house. Three sick girls, a sick mom and dad and now a sick grandma too! Oh well...we're all on the mend now so life is better again. Lexie has her first tooth!! Besides being sick and a little crabby earlier this week, she's doing awesome! We're happy it's Thursday...we're looking forward to a fun weekend!!
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