Well, we survived our first month! Sorry for the delay in sharing these shots, our camera has been missing for about a week! Alexis seems to be doing better since we upped her medicine dose so that's a relief. However, I have the feeling she's developing colic as every night around 7-9, she seems to get pretty cranked up! Oh well...
The other girls are doing well. Now that the weather is nice, they love to spend time outside on the playset together. It's fun to watch them hang out and play together out there. Allie has been seeing a specialist at Children's Hospital for her consitpation issues and thankfully, all is great with her! We're very thankful that this problem is behind us, hopefully it'll stay that way! Aubrey finally is cutting her bottom 2-year molars...she's handling it pretty well.
Lexie and I are heading to California this Mother's Day weekend for my cousin Adam's wedding so we should have lots of fun new pictures to post next week! Until then...Happy Mother's Day and have a great weekend!!
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