What a beautiful fall day to be outside!

Papa is taking Aubrey for a ride

Aubrey isn't so sure about these leaves Allie throws around

Playing in a little snow on Thanksgiving

Helping Papa set up the Christmas tree

Aubrey thought her dolly needed socks on....and that's about it, who needs clothes??

Both girls are obsessed with wearing their boots around the house

Allie's ready to go out and play in the first real snowfall of the season!

Our daily visitor in our backyard...look close, it's a nine-pointer!

Aubrey found mom's cake pans....

Horseback rides...

Are we having fun yet?

Allie is trying for a snow-angel...it wasn't bad, but then she stood up and stepped on it.

Aubrey is giving it a try

If you look really close, yes that is my dad shoveling snow, something he never thought he'd do again!! At least he used a snowblower!!!

Aubrey used the shovel for the tight spots...don't know what Papa was complaining about!

Loving every minute of it!

Get in Aubrey!!

Allie's taking Aubrey for a ride
Wow...going through pictures tonight made me realize that I've got to do a better job of updating this!! How the weather has changed this past month....the start of this blog to the end is quite a different picture. My folks have been in town, living in their motorhome in our driveway for the last month. The girls love to have their 'grammy' and 'papa' here everyday and I've loved having them here so I can run errands whenever I need to without taking the girls with me. Won't next week be a wake-up call when they leave!!!
We had Gouda's 20 week ultrasound yesterday (12/4), everything looks fantastic and no, we didn't find out what we're having! We love the surprise. The pictures we got to bring home aren't the greatest so I didn't take the time to scan them into the computer to share.
Allie's 3rd birthday quickly approaching so I'll be updating soon to share the fun of her Disney Princess party! Till then....
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