My little helper Aubrey...didn't want to waste any peas tonight so she finished them off by herself! Can't accuse her of not being a good eater! And the best part is, when she was done, she loaded the spoon and the bowl into the dishwasher and pressed the button to start it!
Throwing snowballs at the tree Walking through the snow Daddy and Aubrey...aren't they cute together? Allie and Jayden coming back up the hill Aubrey could stay out here all day if we'd let her!
Deep in thought or trying to taste a little leftover breakfast? Going for a ride on Daddy's back! Daddy and his girls A little milk with our lunch....who would have thought a milk carton would be so much fun!
First snow day of the school year and our Daddies are taking us sledding! Allie and cousin Jayden load up for the ride! Uncle Aaron takes us to the spot Back up the hill Daddy, Aubrey and cousin Justus get ready to head down! Altogether!! Allie flies solo
Allie is working hard at writing her "A" in her new chalkboard book Aubrey being Aubrey.... Making the A I did it!! Allie spelled her name and wrote it all by herself for the first time! We are so proud of her!!!
The birthday fun started on Thursday with a trip to LaFleur's gymnastic center Yeah...I pretty much get into anything. Who needs clothes?? Allie's helping decorate the cookies Friday night we're snuggled in for the Frosty the Snowman movie
Allie's birthday started off with Dad getting another was bound to be a great day! Grammy Nelson and Mom made Allie's Princess cake Allie's princess party! Allie and her balloons Aubrey's getting pretty excited too!!
Present time! Opening my Princess Sticker book from Uncle Mikey and Auntie Lola. Aubrey's sticky fingers are opening presents Yea!! It's a new blow-up sleeping bag from Grammy and Papa Bauer and Uncle Nate!!! I'm ready to sleep over! Hugs from Great Papa Bauer Yea! Chutes and Ladders from Jayden and Justus!
Thanks for my camo pants Uncle Aaron (Sorry Aunt Sara, he took the credit for this one!!) Aubrey likes Allie's new socks...and the package it came in Yeah!!! I got a guitar from Uncle Jon! New soft jammies from Grammy and Papa Nelson How did Aunt Bethany and Uncle Justin know how much I love stickers???
Thank you for my bubbles Aubrey! What did my Uncle Steve get me?!?! Wow!!! It's a new digital camera just for me!!!! I love it!! I'm jammin' on my new guitar!
Getting ready to light the candles! Blowing them out with a little help from the boys! We did it!!! Cake and ice cream time! Aubrey playing with Allie's new blow-up sleeping bag and pump
There's enough room for both of us and a guitar!!! We're ready for a slumber party! I'm ready for's been a long day. Alright I am, starting week 21
Dressed up for church Allie and Jayden walking down to church to practice their song Practicing their Sunday School song for church this morning