It's 6 a.m. and we're so excited to be hitting the road for our vacation to Michigan with Gramma and Pappa Nelson in their motorhome!!!

Mom seemed to like this one....I'm trying to see what it was all about!

Pappa had his hands pretty full with these two girls for the week in the motorhome!

Poor Kazoo...at 16 years old, he was pretty patient with Allie and her constant kissing and poking and pulling. Allie's favorite thing to say to him--It's ok Kazoobs! You can come here!

Having fun with Mommy's friend Laura! We loved her from the moment we met her!

Having fun at St. Paul's playground in Saginaw...this is where our Mommy used to play at recess!

On the merry-go-round

And this is what happens with Mom leaves me with Pappa. I was supposed to be sleeping however....Mom's make-up bag was nice and close for my little fingers to find! Using a whole tube of Amber Suede lipstick to decorate myself, my pack n play, and the wall really wore me out!

How do I look?? It took a really long bath to get me clean...and even then I still had a little stain of color on my legs!

Peek a Boo!

There's Aubrey! Where's Allie??

They had such a good time with each other while riding in the motorhome!

Ahh...sweet sleep!!

"So, we're going to the Upper Peninsula? I better check a few things out first before we get there!"

We love being with our Pappa!!

I thought this was the most perfect picture! Something like out of a calendar!

On the beach of Lake Huron in the U.P. of Michigan.

Allie couldn't get enough of the good times at the beach.

Building sandcastles with Pappa

Pappa and Gramma with us at the Mackinaw Bridge!

Good laughs!!

Outside the motorhome with Gramma and Pappa at a campground by the Bridge

Coloring at Auntie Lola and Uncle Mikey's house!

Out looking for rocks to throw in the river...Allie's new favorite thing to do!

Throwing rocks with Gramma

Quality time with Auntie Lola....and Josie!

Out for a ride with Uncle Mikey! If you could hear Aubrey, she'd be saying "WeeWeeWee!!!!"

Out for a ride with Daddy

Daddy and both girls go for a ride!

Aubrey tries to take it out alone...she loved this thing!!!

Getting things ready for s'mores around the campfire...neither girl actually ate one.

Auntie Lola and Uncle Mikey and the girls, both girls are a little sad to be leaving.

Aubrey and her Godparents!
We had such a great time on vacation. There were some rough spots with the girls as I'm sure they got a little homesick from time to time. Allie actually cried though when we got onto the exit for our house because she didn't want to go home...she wanted to go back to Auntie Lola's house! The kids had a blast up at their house in Marquette! They live right on a river and Allie would collect rocks in her pockets to throw into the water...simple things right?
We left our house in Milwaukee on Friday morning at 6am and made it to a baby shower for my cousin Beth and her husband in Detriot. On Saturday, we drove up to Saginaw. We got ice cream at Fuzzy's, went to Mejiers and found Veggietale fruit snacks (made Allie's trip perfect!), and went to church at St. Paul's where Sarah got to run into a few old friends. We had a nice visit with friends and family and even fit in a tour of the new wing at MLS! On Tuesday we started to make our way to Marquette. We spent the night just across the bridge...so beautiful there! Allie had a blast playing at the beach! And the bridge made for some really nice pictures. We made it to Marquette on Wednesday where we spent the next 4 days at Mike and Laura's house. They have a 1 year old puppy named Josie who just loved to lick the girls constantly!
It's now Sunday night...we've been gone for a little over a week and I think the girls were glad to be in their own beds tonight! What a great time!!!
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