Uncle Nate with Maddie and Ben
If you look really close, you'll see the quarter in the air!
Aunt Sara andAllie
Kiss attempt picture #1
Kiss attempt picture #2
Finally #3!!
Dancing Queen!
Allie and Jayden
Aubrey's loving the lights on the ceiling!
Aubrey's getting into this dancing thing....
She got to the point of fussing if you tried to make her stop dancing!
Fun Aunt Amy with the cousins!
Dancing Queen #2
Watch out crazy dancers!
Maddie and Allie have Aunt Amy trapped!

We had such a blast last night at Uncle Mark and Michelle's wedding! The girls and their cousins wouldn't leave the dance floor! What a great time!! The girls are also big into playing dress-up together. Allie loves to have her picture taken in all of her fun clothes! Allie update: she's been dry four nights in a row! She's been potty trained since October (20 months) however the overnight thing was a little harder for her as she refused to give up drinking at night! Nothing like an M&M brib to change her mind!!