Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hanging Out

I'm up to no good
Here I come to get you!
Aubrey playing basketball in her "basketball hat"
Yeah, I don't think she can see anything either

She really looks like her daddy in this picture

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fun at the supper table

Mmm, pizza casserole!!

Can you say bathtime?

Mom...I'm having some troubles going the right way in the hall...I seem to be going backwards!
So...we need to talk.
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
Good, I'm glad we had this little discussion!
Aubrey found her kazoo
I'm not eating babywipes...

Monday, January 12, 2009

What's new at the Bauer house?

Allie and Aubrey are proudly showing off their new hats courtesy of Kearn's Motor Car dealer...why do they have them you ask?? Because we upgraded minivans! Our Town & Country, while it was running ok, was getting up there in mileage so we decided to take advantage of the great deals right now and purchased a 2008 Chevy Uplander! The girls love it (it has a built in DVD player) and we love it (low miles, right price, auto door openers!) If the weather ever gets a little nicer, we'll upload some pictures of the new ride for you!
Lexie's on the move and couldn't be happier!
She loves to pull her sisters' hair!
This is my "I'm a stinker" face!
Yeah, I'm in the laundry basket...
How do I get in there??
Grrr..I'm gonna get 'cha! (Careful, I only move in slow motion right now)
Hmmm, can I have those yet??
Sorry Grandma N. The girls wouldn't cooperate for a picture together tonight!
I hope my feet grow soon, I really like these shoes!

Silly Lexie
Snuggle time with Daddy after a long day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hanging out

I'm trapped...
Good Morning Hannah! Long time no see!

After dinner bliss
Chips and cheese bonding with Dad