Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually

Monday, March 31, 2008

Allie and Aubrey's Spring Photo Shoot

Sorry about the delay in updating the blog...for some reason I can't get pictures that I take to upload but I could easily get these posted so who knows. These are from Allie and Aubrey's photo shoot--the girls together for Easter and Aubrey's 2 year old pictures. I hope to have the posting problem figured out by next week when Gouda comes! Speaking of Gouda...everything is good to go still for April 11th. I had another appointment this morning and all is great. I go in next Monday for another check and is everything goes as planned, Gouda will be here the 11th!
Other than that...our family is doing great! My mom has arrived to help with the girls while I get closer to the end...what a God-send she has been! Aubrey is working on potty training and Allie still loves to read and sing songs. Both girls were a great help for me while we babysat for Hannah so I know they'll be so happy to have Gouda here next week! We'll keep you updated with the news!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mom's birthday box and Easter Egg hunting

Mom got a dishwasher (thanks home warrenty) for her birthday...and the kids got a new box!
Aubrey's new thing to guitar and sing her ABC's
Aubrey's snuggled in on the couch...she's been getting up so early lately, it's nice that she takes a rest in the morning (sometimes!)
Helping Daddy make breakfast
Coloring bags and pictures at the Garden Homes Easter Egg hunt last Saturday
Aubrey found one!
Allie's still looking for hers!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The past few days....

"Hello there!" The girls love to play in their tent from Miss Kim! all her glory
Then we ask this outfit really much better??
Sisters...getting along!!
Hanging out in Grammy Bauer's kitchen

Look Uncle Steve how good I am at your puzzle. I love the name of it--Allie Gator in the Garden!! I can do it all by myself now!
Helping Daddy chip the ice away from the end of our driveway...what a mess!
Still working...

Aubrey finds more fun in just splashing in the puddle...forget working!
Allie is working with her new "no-mess" paints this morning
Aubrey too...
Our decorated fridge by our little artists!