What a fun weekend! We got to watch Uncle Nate's basketball game--it was a good one! And then we spent the night at Grammy and Papa's house with our cousins! In the morning on Saturday, Papa took all of us out to McDonalds for breakfast before we headed over to Lakeside for Family Fest and games!!
This week is shaping up...Aubrey decided that she no longer wanted to wear a diaper so we're working on potty training. She's got pull-ups on and has yet to actually "make a tinkle" in the potty. She is super excited to run in there every little bit to try though so we're hoping it'll happen soon! Allie is working on her spelling this week. Her words she can spell so far: Allie, Allison, Aubrey, Corey, Daddy, Mommy, Bauer, and Go. So fun to watch her learn!